Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Floor Demo - No more white carpet!

Sunday I sent DB off for his business trip and did some birthday family stuff with my parents.  Around 4 p.m. I was on my own to attack the floor.  As I stood staring at the floor, fear rushed over me followed by an overwhelming feeling of hatred for this floor.  It was time for it to go. 

Unfortunately with these types of projects the prep work and later clean up takes WAY more time than the actual work does.  There was quite a lot of large furniture in the room that all needed to come out, and all of that furniture had stuff in or on it which all had to be moved first.  I had forgotten how difficult it can be to move this furniture especially when you are a one-woman show.  The other difficulty is in trying to figure out where to put everything. Right now, I have the table and a tall shelf (all full of kitchen stuff) in the living room, a corner hutch in the hallway blocking part of my bedroom door, and miscellaneous other items cluttering up the guestroom.  I hope I don't have to live with it this way for too long.  My OCD will drive me crazy until it is all back to normal again.

Now...on with the demo....

Dining room side:  I started with the bane of my existence...the white carpet.  I guess because it was so old, it came up really easy.  The hardest part was cutting the tape where it joined the carpet in the hallway (to be removed in a later project), and rolling it up.  I actually kept it all in one piece rather than chop it up.  I hate making multiple trips, so I guess it was better in my mind to wrestle with it all at once than make several trips.  Next was the padding which also came up super easy.  There were staples in that, but not the nightmare of stories that I had read about.  There also was no carpet glue.  YAY!!  Underneath all of that was the vinyl and that too came up very easy.  All it took was a cut with my fancy razorblade knife and up it came with no problem.  AND JACKPOT!!  Under the layer of vinyl was beautiful hardwood floor.  It isn't all perfect though.  There are a few minor black spots, old adhesive that clearly did no good, self-leveling concrete where the old dividing wall was and there is this horribly shoddy patch where an old duct vent had been located.  This hole is the most distressing to me because it was clearly cut larger with a circular saw and then several pieces of old scrap lumber was screwed in.  Not only is it hideous, but it isn't level and all of the pieces are crooked.  It just makes me want to cry.  Getting the carpet tacking strips up was frustrating too because they had used all different types of nails.  There were "regular" nails, finishing nails and even roofing nails.  Some nails were only about an inch long and others were 3 inches long.  It was sheer craziness.  It's like they had this big bucket of nails and just used whatever they grabbed.  Anyhow, I finished most of the dining room side on Sunday night before I went to bed, and was pretty happy with the progress and even happier with the wood floor discovery.

Kitchen side:  This is the part that had the most uncertainty for me, so I waited until the next day to start.  There were so many layers, I had no idea what I was going to encounter.  I removed the metal "S" shaped carpet stripping and then the rest of the vinyl leading up to it.  The kitchen side of the floor was raised about a quarter of an inch, so I was trying to figure out how I was going to remove the wood with the least amount of mess and hassle as possible.  As I removed the vinyl leading up to the kitchen side I noticed that the flooring on the bottom level was looking very different than the pretty wood on the dining room side.  This was now dark and had some dark green stuff over it.  I couldn't even see the wood grain.  For an instant, I considered not removing the vinyl and just squaring off the "S" curve and putting a new floor over the existing part there.  Then I decided that since I'm doing this, I want to do it right.  I really hated having two different floors in the kitchen anyway.  It makes it look too choppy, and I want one continuous floor in that room.  I am SO glad I decided on that because I was shocked at what I found next.

Angry meltdown #1 -  I used by pry bar to try to loosen up the wood under the vinyl.  To my surprise, it popped up really easy.  I used my handy dandy rotozip to cut a piece away and to my shock and amazement I discovered that under the top layer of vinyl was not 1/4 inch plywood as I assumed (since that is what you are SUPPOSED to use).  It was....PANELING!!  Yes, the cheap crappy stuff that people put on the walls was what was on my floor.  It wasn't even screwed down.  It was stapled down;  every 4 square inches or less had a staple.  I was so mad, but also extremely happy that I decided to not take the lazy way out and leave it there.  Since it was so thin and shoddy, it came of fairly easily too.  I didn't even have to cut it.  All I had to do was to cut the vinyl off of the top (only glued on the edges, Hallelujah!) and then use the pry bar to pop it up and it usually broke in half from there.  The tedious part came in removing all of those staples.  That took longer than anything.  The vinyl underneath the "wood" came up easily too once the staples were removed because apparently the staples were the only thing holding it on to the floor below. 

Now comes angry meltdown #2 - apparently at some point the dishwasher or sink had leaked.  Because paneling was used and not the proper stuff and no moisture barrier either, the cheap crappy paneling soaked up all of the water like a sponge.  When I cut away the top vinyl to see the paneling near there it was all rotten and covered in MOLD.  It was so disgusting!!!  The whole bottom of the vinyl was all moldy too.  I removed it as carefully as possible and took it immediately outside.  The stench was awful.  The paneling on the floor basically fell apart as I removed it and the staples were so rusted that they either broke or disintegrated.  I was so mad that we had been living with this mold for so long with no idea, but happy that I now have it removed and gone from the house. 

So, the demo is complete.  Unfortunately, the hardwood flooring needs a lot of work, and I don't know if the hardwood on the kitchen side is even salvageable.  My dad said just to rent a sander to see if it will clean up, but the floor needs to be repaired and not just refinished.  At this point, I think it is time to call in the big guns...and hire a professional.   I had actually anticipated needing a professional to complete the work, so that is no big deal.  At least I saved some money by doing the demo myself, and it only took me about a good day total to get it done.

Here's a pic of what I'm left with.  It isn't pretty, but honestly it is better than what I had before.  At least it is all one level, flat and even.  I just need to remember to wear my shoes in there because there might be a piece of staple that I missed.  The white rectangle on the left is the patch I mentioned. 


I figure if the floor can't be salvaged or if it will cost too much to repair then I can always put a laminate down and save some more for the redo.  Because of all of the layers, I couldn't have a professional give me an estimate because there was no way to know what we would encounter until all of the crap was removed.  That wouldn't be ideal and clearly increase the cost, but it could last several years while I save, so it won't be too bad. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Fall Decor

Patience is a virtue that I do NOT possess.  So, to distract myself from the anticipation of the upcoming floor demo I've decided to decorate the outside of my house a little bit this week.  The weather is turning colder now and it is PERFECT to get into fall decorations mode.  Plus the fact that it isn't so hot outside makes it so much easier and more pleasant to do yard work. 

I bought these flowers the other day.  I had wandered into Walmart and ended up in the garden section looking for end of season deals.  I saw the flowers and fell in love.  I am just crazy about mums, but they also had these gorgeous blue/purple asters that I just couldn't resist.  I'm a sucker for blue flowers because they are so rare...and blue matches the shutters on my house.  I've never had asters before, so I'm not quite sure of the upkeep other than to keep them watered well.  If they are like mums, they should do well.  Also, they are perennials, so I don't feel like I'm wasting money by buying annuals.  I just hope I can keep them alive.  LOL!  The mums I found at Kroger (local grocery store), and they had them on clearance for $1.50 each.  They were in such great shape, I don't quite understand why they were marked down, but I wasn't going to argue. 

I don't know if this would be considered as part of an "autumn" color scheme, but I think the blue/purple looks fabulous with the yellow contrast.  They really look a bit more blue in person than how they look in the photo though.  I like the orange of the pumpkin and the flag too.  My DB is a HUGE Michigan fan so for a housewarming gift I ordered him a garden gnome dressed in Michigan gear.  You can see it on the step in front of the pumpkin.  Regardless of your preferred sports team, the gnome is very cute.  I mentioned that he needed a name, so DB named him Lloyd. 

After this pic was taken, I have added my fall scarecrow, and a few other decorations too.  Last night I also moved two potted red geraniums to sit at the corners of the staircase.  I wasn't sure if/how it would match the colors, but I love the addition of even more color.  I think I have added or changed something on the front entry every day this week.  My poor DB probably wonders what he will come home to each night.  I must admit that I do LOVE pulling up to the house and seeing all of this.  It just looks so cheery and welcoming to come home to each day.  It stands out even more since no one else in the neighborhood has done any fall decorating yet. 

I also got the fire pit in the backyard in good working order.  I don't use it in the summer because it just doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me to sit around a fire when it is already 80 degrees and humid.  But, I fire it up (pun intended) the first cool fall-like evening we have.  I bought the fire pit from a friend of mine when she moved.  I love it, but it didn't come with a drain hole, so every time it rained it filled up with water.  This has made it start to rust.  I dug through my tools and found the largest drill bit I had and proceeded to drill about 5 holes in the bottom.  I had done just one hole before, but either it was too small or one just wasn't enough because the hole would get clogged and I'd have the same problem.  With the 5 slightly bigger holes there is no more problem.  Then I bought some high temperature spray paint and after cleaning the loose rust off, I gave it a good cover of paint.  It is great now and DB and I tried it out the other night.

I pulled out some old plastic Adirondack chairs that I had.  One of the footstools has a broken leg, so please forgive that I had to prop it up with a landscaping brick.   It worked in a pinch though.  I've got to tell ya that it was incredibly relaxing to sit out there in front of the fire on a cool night.  DB had his beer and cigar and I had my Sprite with my cell phone streaming some relaxing music on Pandora.  Sitting in front of a warm crackling fire, with soft music and looking up at the stars...life doesn't get much better than that!

Countdown to kitchen floor demo

My DB is leaving for a business trip this Sunday, and that means it is a perfect time to get some major home improvement project done.  DIY stuff is just not his thing.  Unfortunately for him, it is TOTALLY my thing.  It is my creative outlet and my stress reliever (well...when things go well), but to be polite I generally wait until I have some time to myself before I tackle anything major.  He'll be gone for 2 1/2 weeks, so it is the perfect time to be brave and attack the thing that bothers me the most in my house...the kitchen floor. 

I have HATED this kitchen floor since I bought the house nine years ago, but I have postponed doing anything to it simply out of fear.  It helped that I had other projects to tackle first.  However, the floor really is quite a mess.  First, the kitchen used to be two separate rooms when the house was built.  The wall between the rooms was taken down and now the entire kitchen is about 256 sq feet which is really nice.  About 3/4 of the room is covered with what was originally white carpet (now dirty beyond what anyone can steam clean away).  Yes, you read that correctly....WHITE CARPET!!!  What kind of crazy person puts white carpet in the kitchen???   Anyhow, on the side of the room where the sink is there is about a 4x12 piece of vinyl flooring that is raised above the rest of the floor by plywood.  The carpet and vinyl are "joined" by some weird "S" shaped metal stripping that everyone trips over because it extends across the entire width of the room. 

To add to the mess, the carpet is unraveling at the stripping so if you step the wrong way you get a carpet tack in your foot.  OUCH!!!  And...it gets worse!  Under the top layer of vinyl is 1/4" plywood which sits over even uglier vinyl flooring.  Fortunately (or not), it appears that the uglier vinyl flooring extends throughout the entire room and not pieced together like the rest of the flooring.  From my "core samples" there is hardwood floor under at least part of the room.  I'm hoping that it is on the entire floor, but until I pull all of the layers of ugliness up I have no way to know.  I have already removed the carpet and vinyl that was in the pantry and it all came up fairly easily with only a little glue residue. 

It looks like the prior owners used some really cheap adhesive that didn't stick well to the finish of the wood floor.  I'm hoping that is a premonition of good things for removing the rest.   Keep fingers crossed!

Ideally, I'd absolutely love to refinish the hardwood flooring.  I don't know if that is really possible since I don't know if it extends throughout the entire room AND I don't know what condition it is in.  It could be rotten under all of the vinyl layers by the sink.  Plus, there is the challenge of where the former walls used to be.  From what I've seen with my "core samples" I think the holes were just filled with some sort of leveling compound.  If the hardwood is salvageable, I'll have to call in a professional to at least patch it.  I'd like to try to refinish it myself, but I don't know if my DIY skills are quite up to that challenge.  

So, that is my challenge.  I can't even call a contractor at this point to get a decent estimate on a total redo of the floor because there is no way to know what is underneath all of this mess.  My goal for now is to just rip up what is there now so I can evaluate what I have.  I have finally gotten to the point that having ugly wood floors or even a subfloor will be better than what I have now.  I don't think I could possibly hate the floor anymore than I do right now.